Tools Overview:
This is a new section that is still under development. Currently available are the following:
Whois Tool:
The Whois Tool will allow you to do a whois request to receive information about a domain name or get GEO location for an IP address.
DNS Reporting Tool:
The DNS Reporting Tool will allow you to analzye your DNS records which can tell you why some things may not work (like email being bounced). This tool will check for DNS entries such as email server addresses, Web server addresses as well as other DNS records.
RBL Lookup Tool:
The RBL Lookup Tool tool will allow you to lookup any IP address and see if it is listed in several Realtime Blackhole List (RBL) databases. This can be a very important tool if you suspect your emails are being blocked. Many ISP's query these RBL servers before delivering email to their users.
Sitemap Generator:
The Sitemap Generator will help you create a search engine compliant sitemap file called sitemap.xml.gz. The sitemap.xml.gz file can help search engines find URLs they may not be able to find by following links.
(X)HTML Validator:
The (X)HTML Validator is an HTML/XHTML validation tool and will correct several errors no other validator we know of is currently correcting.
We would like to hear what tools you would like to see here. We can't guarantee anything, but your input will certainly give us an idea. Just click on the "Contact us" link at the bottom of the page and let us know what you would like to see. Please include a link to a page where we can see a similar tool in action so we can see what it you would like.
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