
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

SEO Link Robot

Online marketers(specifically those who do affiliate websites and sites that review products for clicks on ads on their pages) have been looking for a single product to automate the back link process to their sites for many years.

There’s always been the option of using buggy high priced PC resource hogs like SE Nuke, or lesser wanna-bes like Rank Builder, and now in late 2010 a new wanna-be SE Nuke (but with a one time fee) called SEO Link Robot has been out and about for a bit.

SEO Link Robot has an easy way to set up accounts on Blog / Web2.0 sites, RSS feed sites, and Social Bookmarking sites. If you have used products like Article Marketing Robot or other similar products you account creation is the same and simple.

SEO Link Robot also takes spin-text articles and uses them/spins them when submitting to the Blog/Web2.0 Sites and the Social Bookmarking Sites. Having a capable writer, who knows how to spin, is a necessity for proper use and success of these great tools.
SEO Link Robot does more than Blog/Web2.0, RSS fees, and social bookmarking it also pings the URLs that you create using the Blog / Web 2.0 and it can ping any URL that you add to it.

The positives SEO Link Robot:
- Easy account set up
- E-mail verifier
- Link Viewer
- 1 time fee
- Unlimited Use
- Constant Updates
- All the different types of links you can get:
+Blog / web 2.0
+Social Bookmarks
+RSS feeds
+Pings, etc.

There are some negatives SEO Link Robot:
- The Blog / Web 2.0 and Social Bookmarks are slow.
- You have to sit and watch the submissions so that when a web2.0 website freezes you can skip it.
- There is no way to get your accounts to have different IP addresses (not good, not good).
- When it updates you lose all previous information
+It has an option to save your information, but just today I tried to upload it back to SEO Link Robot and I am getting an Error so I had to manually add the information in again.
- Crashes a lot

SEO Link Robot isn’t the end-all, be-all in automated products, but it is a great start if you utilize just a few other products out there. SEO Link Robot is recommended, with the caveat that it needs to be used with other products for a greater diversity in SEO links. And with a second caveat that you don’t use it too much for Blog / Web2.0 post or social bookmarks, since it currently will only show your current IP address and there are inherent issues with that.