You can using several keyboard shortcuts you can use while editing posts in the blogspot. They definitely work in Internet Explorer and the Mozilla Firefox, and might work in other browsers. Here they are:
- control + b = Bold
- control + i = Italic
- control + l = Blockquote (when in HTML-mode only)
- control + z = Undo
- control + y = Redo
- control + shift + a = Link
- control + shift + p = Preview
- control + d = Save as Draft
- control + p = Publish Post
- control + s = Autosave and keep editing
- control + g = Indic transliteration
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Keyboard shortcuts for Blogspot
Labels: Blogger
Posted by Wendy H at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Build My Rank service
Some people listen, some don’t and most of the suggestions I give are already listed on the post on Features that link building service owners should incorporate into their system.
Such was the case with Build My Rank (BMR) which looks to be a pretty solid network on the outside, but missing some crucial elements that make it made it pretty much like every other service out there (hint: no links to your links)
However, after a not-so-brief chat the owner of BuildMyRank was quick to implement those changes in about a week or so, which is pretty quick and promising.
So how does Build My Rank work?
1 piece of content = 1 link
Build My Rank works much like LinkVana and Blog Blueprint in that you need to create unique content for each link you want, but unlike those 2 services you’re not limited to 1 link per snippet. With BMR you can put 1 link inside a 50-100 word snippet or 2 anchor text backlinks inside a 250-word article, or 3 links inside a 250-words-plus article.
The assumption here is that there’s more link juice passed towards your anchor text if the anchor text is spread out over more words on a page, which I’m not sure is necessarily true. All that I do know is that the less outbound links on a piece of content, the more link effects there are, but if/when you’re writing 250 words of somewhat unique content, you want to get more than just one link out of it, especially when you’re writing unique content for each link.
The quality of Build My Rank’s network:
Their sites are reportedly ranging anywhere from Page Rank 1 or 2 to Page Rank 5 or 6, which is good indicator of a trusted site, but not necessarily and indicator of how well it works as a link building service/mechanism. Owner reported that 90% of all content is/was indexed which is pretty good considering that it’s a network getting automated content published to it and dishing out outbound links at a pretty good clip.
Currently the network is 500-2000 sites strong and newly syndicated content is getting indexed in 3-4 minutes with their (my) new suggestions being implemented. Build My Rank is also quite like B.L.S. in that it is (now) getting links to each and every new piece of content published on their network via RSS submissions, social bookmarking, auto-pliggs, and scuttle sites.
They estimate that your content will get 50-100 backlinks which does a few things that are important:
- It gets links to your links
- which ensures your content gets indexed
- which assures you of getting (somewhat) powerful and credited/indexed backlinks
- and in the end it keeps their network of sites a quality network, all with a positive link juice pattern.
With networks like this, whether they’re large or small….you have to remember that they’re all giving out DoFollow backlinks, sometimes 1-3 times per piece of published content, therefore it’s quite easy for a network/service like this to become ineffective after a while.
Especially if these networks are NOT getting links to your links and simply cannot keep up with the huge influx of submitted and syndicated content being published to them. Just imagine if you had a site linking out 3 times per post and getting 5 articles a day published to that site, that’s 15 outbound links a DAY….and if the content isn’t getting spidered well due to poor site architecture, then then issue of non-indexing of content will quickly rear it’s ugly head.
But I digress… that’s how most other services operate, but not Build My Rank. Suffice to say they’re getting links to your links and have implemented measures to keep the network strong…
Submitting content to Build My Rank:
All content is subject to human editorial review, but they do accept spun content as long as it’s readable and of decent overall quality.
As mentioned previously you get 1-3 links per piece of content submitted, dependent upon length of article/snippet submitted.
You have to submit to them your domain url receiving links because they want to make sure their network is linking out to good quality sites (good idea). Domain approval takes anywhere from 1-3 days.
Submitted content takes a day or two to be approved and hit the network.
Original opinion of Build My Rank:
Network is small much like BLS, but the links to your links make sup for that, and the fact that it’s manually reviewing content makes it a network that will provide valuable backlinks.
Results and more detailed opinions from using will be discussed in detail in part 2 of this Build My Rank Review ( so far so good after 30 days of testing it but second month will be the true test, so there will be some early results shown in this updated Build My Rank review.
Labels: Traffic
Posted by Wendy H at 12:53 PM 0 comments
Cara Meningkatkan Earning Adsense
Hal-hal yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan earning adsense =
1. Update konten blog setiap hari
Usahakan konten yang ada pada blog anda selalu di update setiap hari, pada waktu pagi, siang, dan malam, kalau tidak ada waktu sama sekali setidaknya 1 buah konten/postingan setiap harinya, ini memang agak berat sih, tapi jika anda melakukan hal tersebut, akan memberikan dampak yang luar biasa kedepannya.
2. Buatlah Tampilan website/blog anda yang menyenangkan
Dari pandangan pertama begitu menggoda, selanjutnya sih terserah anda hahahahaha, maksudnya adalah gunakan skin atau template yang bagus dan menarik, dari segi tampilan, warna, jenis font, gunakan warna blog yang korelasi dengan topik, widget, peletakan iklan, buton yang mudah dijangkau, loading web/blog.
3. Isi Blog ato Web harus Kaya akan content
Buatlah konten atau postingan artikel yang dibutuhkan sepanjang masa, dengan bahasa yang mudah dicerna , dab mengunakan bahasa yang standar, sehingga bisa di terjemahkan kebahasa lain menggunakan transtool dll, sertakan link didalamnya, berharap dapat pengunjung banyak maka perbanyak artikelnya, misal ingin punya visitor 5000, maka buatlah artikel sebanyak itu
4. Pelajari karakter seo terbaru
Waktu selalu berjalan, ilmupun harus semakin bertambah dan berkembang, begitu pula dengan search engine, pasti ada perubahan cara bekerjanya, karena saya yakin penunggunya juga manusia hahahahahaha.
5. Iklan
Dengan beberapa hal yang sudah kita terapkan, dan ingin menambah penghasilan dan pengunjung baru, maka iklankan blog anda, bisa di adword, kumpul blogger, klik saya, tla, texlinkpro, dll
6. Cermati channel adsense anda
Cermati pendapat setiap chanel anda sebagai bahan untuk evaluasi
7. Letakkan Adsense Anda pada lokasi yang paling tepat
Pada hal kelima ini, butuh pencermatan serta evaluasi peletakan adsense pada blog anda, dari segi pewarnaan, karakter pengunjung, dan evaluasi hasil earning.
8. Pelajari tentang penyamaran adsense
Sekilas bahasanya kayak mata mata biar gak terlihat, kan malah terbalik, iklan harus terlihat oleh pengunjung, tapi pengunjung tidak tahu kalau itu iklan, hehe, sudah taukan maksudnya.
9. Cari pengunjung baru
Usahakan mencari pengujung baru setiap harinya, bisa dengan berkomentar di blog tetangga baru, blog sosial bookmark, ikut forum, ikutan milis, buat groups baru di fb, dll, intinya anda harus mencari backlink sebanyak banyaknya, berangan anganlah satu backlink mendatangkan 1 visitor perhari, maka minimal punya backlink 100.000 lebih, baru anda akan merasakan hasilnya.
10. Cari link yang setopik
Untuk mendapatkan visitor yang berkualitas maka cari link yang setopik.
11. Buat king master web
Dalam pembuatan blog yang lebih dari 3, usahakan ada 1 buah yang menjadi rujukan dari yang lainya, istilahnya seperti pemimpinnya blog anda. karena dengan begitu pengujung tidak akan tersesat, ia akan tanya kepada pemimpinya, kalau pemimpinya baik, maka blog yang lainnyapun akan makmur, hehe
11. Buat layanan shout box
Setelah sekian anda melewati hal-hal diatas, sekarang saatnya open house, berikan tempat curhat visitor , tapi saya sarankan, anda yang membuat aplikasi shoutbox, jadi visitor dapat mengunduh untuk ditempatkan diblog blog mereka.
12. Buat web forum
Anda sudah punya blog pempimpin, maka saatnya buat blog untuk wadah bermasyarakat, untuk mengayomi serta meningkatkan taraf pendidikan visitor anda.
13. Selalu gunakan tool pembantu untuk pembuatan artikel
Dalam pembuatan artikel baru, usahakan mengunakan tool yang mambantu dalam pencarian nice topik ,keyword, cpc,visitor dll, anda dapat mengunakan tool ini
14. Monitoring iklan dan sekaligus filter adsense
Tibalah saatnya untuk mencermati iklan yang muncul, apakah relevan dengan topik, sering tidak muncul, atau cpc yang begitu kecil, sehingga tidak sesuai dengan kerja keras,kalau begitu anda dapat mengunakan program bantuan filter adsen, bisa dengan adsblacklist, dengan itu anda dapat memfilter iklan hingga 200, lumayan bukan
15. Cermatilah karakter pengunjung
Bagi pemilik blog, setidaknya dia tahu siapa yang sering mampir diblognya, dari kalagan apa , sudah mahir atau belom, dll, ini berkaitan dengan jenis penempatan iklan.
16. Berdoa
Berusahalah semaksimal mungkin dan sisanya serahkan kepada Tuhan. Jurus tanpa batas, yang paling mutakhir yaitu berdoa, dengan berdoa semua bisa berubah, rejeki sudah ada yang mengatur, jangan serakah, jangan lupa bersedekah, hidup hanya sekali, pergunakan hidup untuk kebaikan, karena kebaikan akan mendatangkan rejeki yang baik pula. amin.
Labels: Adsense
Posted by Wendy H at 12:48 PM 0 comments
Article Ranks
I have to pay to submit articles after I join?
No, monthly members get unlimited submissions, meaning that they can submit as much as they want, but if you want to get more out of it by submitting your articles to more than one category, like a broader category that is susceptible to getting wider syndication…then you’ll have to use up some credits to do so. So, a paid monthly member who wants more of a boost and wider syndication with their article ranks submission should order some credits, but there’s no need to always pay for credits when you can earn them by adding a site to their system.
What if I don’t want unlimited submissions, and just want to earn credits in order to post a few articles and get a few links
If you don’t need to blast the internet, or AR’s network with dozens of articles for massive link building then you can:
- pay as you go and pay for submissions,or…
- earn credits by adding a site to their system (if you add a site with PR you get more credits, the higher the Page Rank of the site the more credits or crediT you get).
- earn credits for adding some social site logins to their system,too
Suffice to say, this could be a real economical way for people who don’t need a lot of backlinks to basically pay a one-time fee (buy a domain with Page Rank), then add it to the system to earn credits).
What are the Article Ranks Page Rank and network size numbers?
Mostly Pr1-3 sites, smattering of higher PR sites,obviously less sites with higher Page Rank, and many of these sites will get their PR boosted with next PR updates anyway, so even adding a PR 0 site would have some long term value some day.
The AR network is over 3k sites, not sure about the IPs diversity but the network is still growing a quite a good clip. The vast majority of the sites in the network are “donor sites”, which caused me some concern because SEO LV, My Article Network, and1waylinks are all donor-site run networks and they’re all on my not recommended list. But with Article Ranks, the donor sites are either sites with Page Rank or sites about to get Page Rank, therefore of some quality, and more importantly, most importantly in fact… members who add donor sites to the system can specify how many submissions they’d like to receive and/or post daily.
This sort of puts the onus on the owners of the donor sites… to ensure their sites don’t become outbound link farms,to maintain their sites’ PR so to continue getting free submissions credits based on the Article Rank’s algorithm for PR value of donor site equaling their submissions credits potential.
What’s the whole article submissions process like, how many links can be expected,and what’s the indexing rate like?
Now that you know how the whole pricing system and credits earnings system works,is AR effective and what kind of damage can you do with it?
The Best Spinner has an export function (from what I’m told) that is compatible with Article Ranks submissions area but AR has its own spinner too. However, your submission acceptance rates and syndication levels (how many sites will accept this content?) is still dependent on the quality of your article, spun or not, manually spun articles get accepted more often,and how many backlinks you get via syndication is still based on the number of categories/sites where your article has a good chance of getting “hosted-and-posted”.
So if you write good spun articles in the technology, internet, health, and cars niches, then you’ll definitely get a good number of backlinks, like 125 per article written.
Indexing: Musa told me that their network gets about 50-70% indexing rate on articles submitted within first few weeks, with these numbers improving over time. Also, its good to note that they’ve added a feature that should increase indexing rates to an even higher level with their social boosting program, which works like this:
Give them your login information for X of social accounts you have and they’ll do the posting and bookmarking for you. Not sure if they use all members’ profiles and accounts to social boost just your own articles or entire paid members base’s articles (that’d be best to avoid obvious self-promotion bans) but either way, it will still add even more value and indexing power to their service, that’s for sure.
Do you really get 100+ backlinks per article ?
One of the URLS I tested in Article Ranks has 410 backlinks to it according to 3 different backlinks checkers, and I wrote 4 well-spun articles for linking to this site, which is page 2 for a somewhat competitive program name term. I can only suppose that another 4 articles would have me in top 5 for this term.
Is Article Ranks recommended?
Yes, it’s low enough priced, gets stuff indexed, network grows constantly and can move a site up in the rankings.
Disclosure: I managed to finagle a discount for you, 5 free credits to try out their system. It’s a coupon code tied into my affiliate link. So click the affiliate link here, then enter in the following code to get the discount. That’s 500 free backlinks… You’re welcome !:)
Labels: Submission
Posted by Wendy H at 12:46 PM 0 comments
People create blogs with the hope to get more clicks on adsense in their website. But do not be surprised if that hope is just hope so because we lack the pegaturan pedulian our website. Already there are many bloggers who manage their website, for example by replacing the parts found on their website. What they do is one trick, tricks to get more clicks on their adsense.
how can that person to click on adsense that available on the website so that we will be more adsense revenue rose:
1. Google and visitors prefer the websites that are rich in content
This trick kerupakan basic tricks that you must do in order to gain profit through adsense. Each search engine is very pleased with the website that is frequently updated and has a lot of content in their website. So that search engines will then mengindek website easily and you will get more visitors. While our website amemiliki better quality, higher CTR will be displayed in our website. It is caused by the placement of google adsense with a view based on content on a website
2. Try to make each visitor feel at home in your website
Make the articles according to topic appropriate to your website. When your website has articles that are informative so the visitors will always come to your website.
3.Place your Adsense in the most appropriate location
You try to learn the part which is the best place to put your adsense. By laying down a good value, it will increase your adsense clicks. For example, placed on the content and aeal in a unit on the link below the navigation menu
4. Learn about the ads and match the camouflage tricks adsense
Adsense match in this case means that the adsense color compatible with the background color. So when you put the adsense in your website try to adsense is seen as a link to you.
Incognito adense pengnjung means that your website regularly to know where you put the adsense ads, so they likely will not be clicking on your ad. But you mungngkin bsa using google adsense color rotation.
5. Sponsored Links Essai Using labels (try translating itself, kekekeke)
When google already placed "Ads by Google" label in every OF THEIR AdSense ads, then why Should you put another label for Sponsored links. Google said in its TOS that use to label Sponsored links ads, They did not say anything if you do not label your ads.
6. You should strive to obtain new visitors
Try to get a linkback from yanhg website has a high page rank so Wesite you will be more noticed by the search engine and you'll get new visitors. Based on the experience of 100% of new visitors will click on the ads than regular visitors.
I'm sure you can do the tips above and remember the more time we devote to our website to eat the more income we achieve. So you have to keep updating your website every day to provide something new for visitors to your website
Labels: Adsense
Posted by Wendy H at 12:35 PM 0 comments
One way links
One way links is a link building service using WordPress technology to automate up to 750 one-way backlinks to your site per month.
How does One way links work?
You write an article and each article you write gets hosted-and-posted on the “donor” blogs that comprise the network of blogs used for backlinks. When you write articles, you can include up to 3 links back to your sites per article, and when they get posted live on the donor blogs, those are live links on someone else’s site pointing back to yours. :)
Bad Things about One way links
As a member, I have a donor blog, but since I don’t want irrelevant content posted on my blog from other people’s articles, my donor blog is just a dummy site. It’s just a domain name with wordpress on it and you need to have this in place ( a donor blog with wordpress installed properly) in order to be part of the system. You must host in order to post, if that makes sense.
So, the bad thing about One way links really isn’t that you have to spend money on a domain name for a site you may do nothing with, but it’s in the fact that anyone who knows what the heck they’re doing online will be using a dummy site for their donor blog and not really caring too much for it, therefore it may not get indexed quickly, therefore the links may not get counted right away, if at all.
I seriously doubt if this is a major concern because all you have to do to get a WordPress site and its posts indexed is have a good ping list, but they fact remains that if you use a dummy site, then others will, too.
And the reason why using a dummy site may hurt the One way links network’s effectiveness is that those dummy sites probably don’t have much LinkJuice (more incoming versus outgoing links) therefore the links you get count for less, if they get picked up at all.
If you want to use the massive acquisition of links strategy for linkbuilding instead of just focusing on getting links from relevant sites with a lot of linkjuice, then One way links is the service for you…
Labels: SEO
Posted by Wendy H at 12:35 PM 0 comments
How To Increase Adsense Income
There are many trips and tricks on the Internet to increase Adsense income. Some are ethical but most of them are blackhat.
Adsense Money
Take my word and drop the plan of using anything unethical methods because it will only get your account banned one day or the other. Google Adsense system is smart in detecting invalid clicks.
Any ways make use of these simple yet effective Tips To Increase Adsense income:
1. Use Adblock (Text and image) preferably big square box – 300×250 in the Sidebar of your blogger or WordPress. It is less distractive compared to having the block in the beginning of the post.
2. You can always go in for the Link unit, simply because it gets you the best ctr (click through rate) when placed before the post. Let the link be in blue in color but change the background according to the WordPress theme.
3. 468×60 Image ads are really nice to look at and at the same time users are not annoyed by its presence on your blog. So go for it.
4. Do not place Adsense ads at the end of the post if you have less traffic or readers. It is very unlikely that anyone would click on it.
5. Make the ads look obvious. You should not try to camouflage the colors of the ads with your WordPress theme because it will be simply ignored by your blog readers.
Use these tips and I can promise you better income with your Adsense account. Plus never forget that the people who click on the ads are not your regular blog readers. So cater to the needs of different people who come to your blog for a prosperous blogging life in the Blogosphere.
Labels: Adsense
Posted by Wendy H at 12:25 PM 0 comments
RSS directories list
In RSS submission here’s a List of RSS directories, Blog directories, and Article directories.
You might as well focus on getting the most “bang for your buck/time” by submitting to DoFollow RSS and blog directories, If you’re going to go to the “trouble” of doing these submissions either by hand or using the tools recommended below.
For updated niche-specific DoFollow lists check out was created to provide members with DoFollow Blog and Site lists. Each list we provide our members is DoFollow for SEO purposes. When going for backlinks, you want to get a link that passes “link juice” to your own site which helps its PR and organic ranking in the SERPS. As a premium member of our forum, you are allowed to request a niche specific DoFollow site list to help start your link building campaign. This is the main service we provide which is a great help for any serious backlinker. – Our moderators are all seasoned SEO specialists so any questions or input our members throw out will always be answered with as much accuracy as we can provide.
List of Dofollow RSS directories
Note: some items have profile information some do not, doesn’t matter, they’re all DoFollow RSS directories so submit your feeds to them all.
Created: 2006
Indexed Pages in Google: 75,200
Backlinks in Yahoo: 14,863
PageRank: 3
Link Status: DoFollow
Quantcast Rank: 174,958
Individual Feed Items Listed: Yes
Editorial Policy: None
Spam in index: Yes
Created: 2006
Indexed Pages in Google: 209
Backlinks in Yahoo: 19,532
PageRank: 3
Link Status: Dofollow
Quantcast Rank: No data
Individual Feed Items Listed: Yes
Editorial Policy: Yes
Spam in index: No
Created: 2008
Indexed Pages in Google: 1,970
Backlinks in Yahoo: 44,655
PageRank: 6
Link Status: DoFollow
Quantcast Rank: No data
Individual Feed Items Listed: No
Editorial Policy: Yes
Spam in index: No
Created: 2008
Indexed Pages in Google: 8,980
Backlinks in Yahoo: 569
PageRank: 4
Link Status: DoFollow
Quantcast Rank: No data
Individual Feed Items Listed: Yes
Editorial Policy: Yes
Spam in index: Yes
Created: 2006
Indexed Pages in Google: 92,200
Backlinks in Yahoo: 137,778
PageRank: 6
Link Status: Dofollow
Quantcast Rank: No data
Individual Feed Items Listed:
Editorial Policy: No (?)
Spam in index: No
Created: 2008
Indexed Pages in Google: 1,970
Backlinks in Yahoo: 753
PageRank: 4
Link Status: Dofollow
Quantcast Rank: 226,198
Individual Feed Items Listed: Yes
Editorial Policy: Yes
Spam in index: No
Created: 2007
Indexed Pages in Google: 19,500
Backlinks in Yahoo: 75,117
PageRank: 5
Link Status: Dofollow
Quantcast Rank: No data
Individual Feed Items Listed: Yes
Editorial Policy: No
Spam in index: Yes, loads
Created: 2006
Indexed Pages in Google: 496
Backlinks in Yahoo: 2,404
PageRank: 0
Link Status: Dofollow
Quantcast Rank: Nodata
Individual Feed Items Listed: No
Editorial Policy: None
Spam in index: Yes
Created: 2006
Indexed Pages in Google: 925
Backlinks in Yahoo: 2,468
PageRank: 3
Link Status: Dofollow
Quantcast Rank: No data
Individual Feed Items Listed: Yes
Editorial Policy: No
Spam in index: Yes
Created: 2005
Indexed Pages in Google: 5,470
Backlinks in Yahoo: 1,239
PageRank: 0
Link Status: Dofollow
Quantcast Rank: No data
Individual Feed Items Listed: Yes
Editorial Policy: Yes
Spam in index: Yes
RSS Feeds Submission Directory
Created: 2006
Indexed Pages in Google: 25,500
Backlinks in Yahoo: 118,882
PageRank: 4
Link Status: Dofollow
Quantcast Rank: No data
Individual Feed Items Listed: Yes
Editorial Policy: Yes
Spam in index: Some
Created: 2006
Indexed Pages in Google: 12,300
Backlinks in Yahoo: 369,837
PageRank: 5
Link Status: Dofollow
Quantcast Rank: 318,316
Individual Feed Items Listed: Yes
Editorial Policy: No
Spam in index: Yes
Created: 2006
Indexed Pages in Google: 13,000
Backlinks in Yahoo: 17,200
PageRank: 3
Link Status: Dofollow
Quantcast Rank:
Individual Feed Items Listed: Yes
Editorial Policy: No sure
Spam in index: some
Created: 2003
Indexed Pages in Google: 67,500
Backlinks in Yahoo: 11,172
PageRank: 4
Link Status: Dofollow
Quantcast Rank: 65,107
Individual Feed Items Listed: Yes
Editorial Policy: Yes
Spam in index: No
Created: 2005
Indexed Pages in Google: 5,330
Backlinks in Yahoo: 18,662
PageRank: 3
Link Status: Dofollow
Quantcast Rank: No data
Individual Feed Items Listed: Yes
Editorial Policy: Yes
Spam in index: Some
Created: 2006
Indexed Pages in Google: 747,000
Backlinks in Yahoo: 2,843,268
PageRank: 5
Link Status: Dofollow
Quantcast Rank: 14,572
Individual Feed Items Listed: Yes
Editorial Policy: Yes
Spam in index: Some
Created: 2001
Indexed Pages in Google: 48,100
Backlinks in Yahoo: 151,712
PageRank: 5
Link Status: Dofollow
Quantcast Rank: No data
Individual Feed Items Listed: Yes
Editorial Policy: ?
Spam in index: Yes
RSS Spider
Created: 2009
Indexed Pages in Google: 10,500
Backlinks in Yahoo: 215
PageRank: 5
Link Status: Dofollow
Quantcast Rank: 252,238
Individual Feed Items Listed: No
Editorial Policy: No
Spam in index: Yes
Created: 2009
Indexed Pages in Google: 551
Backlinks in Yahoo: 16
PageRank: 0
Link Status: Dofollow
Quantcast Rank: No data
Individual Feed Items Listed: Yes
Editorial Policy: No
Spam in index: Yes
Created: 2009
Indexed Pages in Google: 652
Backlinks in Yahoo: 108
PageRank: 2
Link Status: Dofollow
Quantcast Rank: No
Individual Feed Items Listed: Yes
Editorial Policy: No
Spam in index: Yes
Created: 2008
Indexed Pages in Google: 1,850
Backlinks in Yahoo: 3,261
PageRank: 4
Link Status: DoFollow
Quantcast Rank: 281,541
Individual Feed Items Listed: Yes
Editorial Policy: Yes
Spam in index: No
Created: 2005
Indexed Pages in Google: 3,710
Backlinks in Yahoo: 357,312
PageRank: 0
Link Status: Dofollow
Quantcast Rank: No data
Individual Feed Items Listed: Yes
Editorial Policy: Yes
Spam in index: No
Created: 2005
Indexed Pages in Google: 149
Backlinks in Yahoo: 18,234
PageRank: 3
Link Status: Dofollow
Quantcast Rank: No data
Individual Feed Items Listed: Yes
Editorial Policy: ?
Spam in index: Yes
Created: 2006
Indexed Pages in Google: 2,110
Backlinks in Yahoo: 52,344
PageRank: 5
Link Status: Dofollow
Quantcast Rank: No data
Individual Feed Items Listed: Yes
Editorial Policy:
Spam in index:
Labels: RSS
Posted by Wendy H at 12:19 PM 0 comments
Step Increase AdSense Per-Click Payout
If AdSense earnings the other day was only earning about 7 cents per click from AdSense for ads targeting keywords that the AdWords Keyword Tool says cost around $4.25USD per click. He didn't understand why.
This member is not alone! Many times I've heard the story of people who did the keyword research and found great "high paying" keywords only to earn pennies on the dollar compared to the AdWords estimates.
There are two primary reasons, in my experience, why this happens. They are:
AdWords Pricing Is NOT The Same As AdSense Pricing
The price you're seeing in the AdWords Keyword Tool is the estimated cost for a click on Google's search results (AdWords). But the price that advertisers are willing to pay for clicks via AdSense is typically much less (A click may be worth $4.25 on search but only $0.07 via AdSense). There are two reasons for this.
1. A visitor via a search query is highly targeted and typically far more ready to buy than a web site visitor.
Think about it. If somebody goes to Google and searches for "Texas life insurance quote" it's pretty obvious they're ready to buy some life insurance in the state of Texas!
But if somebody reads a news article about some life insurance scam happening in Texas, and the site owner uses AdSense to monetize the site, it's very possible that ads for life insurance in Texas will appear on the page. Out of curiosity the visitor clicks the link. Was that visitor worth $4.25? Probably not.
That example is fairly extreme, but you can see how a visitor on a web page is often far less primed to buy than a Google searcher entering clearly commercial keywords.
That's not the only reason AdSense values are less though. Unfortunately, there's a darker reason as well.
2. Click fraud drives the actual value of clicks from the AdSense network down.
There are huge networks of bogus "clickers" who are hoping to get a payday at the expense of AdWords advertisers. Although Google works hard to prevent such clicks from being charged to the advertiser, it's impossible to prevent them all. I've read estimates across the board, from 10% to 33% of AdSense clicks being fraudulent.
How big the problem really is is anybody's guess, but AdWords advertisers have learned to keep the price they pay via AdSense (the "content network") much lower than their Google search bids.
For advertisers it's just a matter of return on investment (ROI). Lower ROI for the advertiser means lower payouts per click for AdSense publishers, whether the lower ROI is due to the less-targeted nature of your traffic or due to the prevalence of fraud.
Google Has "SmartPriced" Your Site
The second reason you will sometimes see a dramatic difference in earnings per-click is that Google has "SmartPriced" your site. "Smart" Pricing is Google's way of estimating how valuable the click-throughs coming from your site are to advertisers. If they feel your clicks are very valuable, you'll earn a higher amount per click. This is determined (in part) by conversions tracked by the advertisers, and by other guestimations made by Google about the traffic they receive from you.
There are two schools of thought about "Smart" Pricing. The one school says it's a joke to try and determine how valuable traffic is without having access to 100% of the conversion data from advertisers (and the majority don't share that data with Google). The other side says that Google has to try and do something or advertisers will just go away and there will be no AdSense network at all. I tend to lean toward the first school of thought, but then I'm a much bigger AdSense publisher than I am an AdWords advertiser.
There's pretty much nothing you can do about the AdWords versus AdSense bid difference, but you have some control over "Smart" Pricing. Here are a couple of ways to keep Google's valuation of your site higher:
1. Don't send junk traffic to your site.
When I say "junk traffic" I mean traffic from sites that advertise "Get 1 million visitors for $10!" and from buying ads on low-quality networks that are full of fraud. A rule of thumb is this: if the traffic doesn't convert visitors into sales for a salesletter that's known to perform well with Google traffic or AdWords, it's junk traffic and should be not be used to earn from AdSense.
2. I've found that the more my traffic comes directly from Google for searches related to the advertisement, the higher my payout per click is.
For example, if your AdSense-monetized page is about electric motor scooters, and the ad that gets clicked is about electric motor scooters, and the traffic you're getting is from Google's search results for "electric motor scooters", then your payout will generally be a lot higher.
Google tracks this transaction from search to click, so they know when the clicks come from their own traffic. Google understandably trusts their own search traffic more than any other and so are willing to pay more for clicks from their own results. They assume it's "quality" and will convert better for the advertiser (which is probably true).
So try to focus on getting traffic from Google to generate revenue from AdSense. Don't be surprised if it takes Google a few weeks or even two months to figure out they need to increase your payout per click, though. "Smart" Pricing isn't an instantaneous thing.
Does that mean you can't earn good AdSense money from other traffic sources? Of course not! Just don't expect Google to value the clicks as highly and payout as much as clicks originating from their search engine. If what you're doing is working, keep at it, but the more your traffic comes from Google the closer your click-values will generally be to what the AdWords tool says.
Labels: Adsense
Posted by Wendy H at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Step to Improve my CTR and CPC
CTR depends on many factors like, your ad formats, ad placement on your page and colors of ad title and text. There is no thumb rule, but there are some tested and verified results that can help us in choosing ad placement and ad format for better CTR. Text ads performs well as compared to image ads, as it gives more options to click to visitors. Big square box between your title and content can result in more AdSense clicks. You can choose color to suite your website color scheme, or may also leave it to default blue. You can play with your ads by using text and image, different colors each week and studying AdSense earning output
CPC depends on relativity of ads with your content, popularity of your content niche, and number of ads being displayed on your page. We can not find that which ads are going to be displayed on your site, but one thing is clear and said by AdSense team is, it always show ads which perform well and results in higher revenue for both AdSense and publishers. So, the number of ads may result in low CPC. Try to use only one of two ad blocks at appropriate position. It will also help your pages to look readers friendly and not full of ads. Lot more ads on same page may make visitor totally add blind and you will loss your CTR also there.
So finally, to improve CTR, play with your ad placement and ad colors, and to improve CPC pay with your number of ads and it's relativity with your content. Use once settings for at least a week and then study your AdSense reports. Once you find better settings for your pages, stay tuned to it. Remember that minor fluctuation in AdSense income is normal; instead try to look for average income per day.
Bloggers, how are using AdSense as their primary source of income from their blog, might have noticed fluctuations in their day to day AdSense earnings. Many of you have also seen very low CTR (Click through Ratio) and low CPC (Cost per Click). In this article I am going to share some tips on how to increase CTR and how to improve CPC, which can boost your overall AdSense earning.
CTR is a click trough ratio. Suppose you got 100 visit on your page which as monetized with AdSense, and from it you got 25 AdSense clicks, then your CTR will be 25%. CTR shows, over all ad performance of your site and also how many visitor turns into your ad clicker.
While, CPC (Cost Per Click) is quite a different thing, means how much you earn for each click made by visitors on your ads. It may happen that, your CTR is very high but still your earnings are not satisfying you. This happens because of low CPC, you are getting low earning on each click.
Labels: Adsense Alternative
Posted by Wendy H at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Rank Builder known as Link Builders
Rank Builder formerly known as Link Builders which supposedly does Web 2.0 account creations, email verifications, content submissions, RSS mashups, RSS submissions, profiles link building, and spinning.
Here’s how the first test went.
1. Profiles Link builder- smooth, fast, flew right through the de-captchas, worked well
2. RSS submissions – worked flawlessly
3. Web 2.0 account creations – only 1 out of 50 account creations failed, pretty good
4. Email verifications- didn’t work
5. Web 2.0 content submissions – didn’t work all failed, perhaps due to not using a catch-all email address
6. Spinner – handles big-time spinning double-nested spinning, works well with the Best Spinner.
Downsides that should be fixed:
Biggest issue in long run is the user names for account creations are all the same and should be different, randomized, unique etc….
Is it a resource hog that crashes all the time like SE nuke?
Used hardly any resource, didn’t crash once, took 3 hours to do a big run, of account creations (manual) email verifications, profiles linking, RSS submissions, spinning,
Other Notes: Rank builder is basically the new and improved Link Builders Pro, is a JV between Maulana and Alex Goad, so if you read reviews on Link Builders Pro that said it sucked, then realize this is not your grand-daddy’s LB Pro! :)
If you read reviews about Alex Goad’s stuff that’s negative that’s news to me, and I could care less about old news, all I care about it whether or not this tool/service works well. I’m an isolationist type of dude and don’t cater to the mainstream or guru audience, but you know that, right? RIGHT! :)
If our test with the Web 2.0 submissions works well when using catchall domains/email addresses, this will definitely be recommended.
As good if not better than SE Nuke, especially if they randomize the user names portion of the account creations.
Update will be posted here in a few hours, hope Alex and Maulana fix the (same for all accounts) user names thing though! Gimme a sec, waiting for my partner to run the catch-alls test
RB won’t work with free yahoo emails, you need to use a catchall domain email address or free pop3 account in situations like this. With RB, the catchalls don’t work, but a free pop3 did work, so once that was done, email verifications were flawless. Still, after all that, only got 35% success rates with the Web 2.0 submissions.
UPDATE 2, 9/9/2010: 70% success with Web 2.0 submissions, but was a real quirky PITA to get to that point, and VAST majority of users, do not have the wherewithal to screw around with this in order to get 70% success rate.
Also, of the 70% successes, 3 were immediately deleted, not programs fault, but we got 32 successful submissions on some web 2.0s that aren’t deleted (yet! :( )
UPDATE 9/10/2010: About half of the successfully submitted web 2.0s are already deleted.
No contact from anyone at Rank Builder (not a programmer or co-owner, nothing) despite knowing their software has major issues. This bodes not well for any future consumers….
Stay away until someone reputable with integrity actually uses the service and can show you proof it works, and well, repeatedly, consistently
Labels: Submission
Posted by Wendy H at 12:08 PM 0 comments
Effect using RSS submission software
I started a network marketing blog and used this software as the primary backlinks acquirer.
What usually happens when I make a new blog post is the post will get indexed within 5 minutes, and the title of the posts are page 1 in about 30 minutes, but the page 1 effects are not showing my blog post, just the indexed RSS submissions.
Even though this software promises to do 19-20 RSS submissions per post, I only see 3 RSS aggregator sites getting indexed quickly and I don’t search to see if the others are providing credited backlinks, I just do a “SERPs-check” to see what’s getting indexed quickly.
Now, as you probably know, when you do anything that instantly links to your site like a Mixx or BlogCatalog or whatever… those sites usually out-rank your site at first, but later on, those sites fall to the wayside, they disappear from the SERPs but since they’re linking to you, what eventually happens is your blog post ends up outranking them.
I’ve also discovered that it takes about a week or two to get the more competitive terms/post to page 1 when using this software, but it’s all autopilot site promotion and it is 100% hands-free.
I also downloaded a plugin that makes RSS feeds out of my categories and have started submitting them to the RSS aggregator sites using RSS Bot. I’m not sure what value there is to linking to categories yet, but it can’t hurt and it may have the added benefit of getting my category feeds picked up by the auto-bloggers as well.
If this proves fruitful, then I will add category RSS feeds to all my sites.
Moving forward with auto site promotion, I’m going to add in some social bookmarking profile accounts for use with the AutoSocial Poster plugin which randomly submits posts to a random amount of social bookmarking profiles each time you make a post.
Using this RSS software and AutoSocial Poster plugin is pretty decent and SAFE auto-promotion for sites and has the added benefit of being totally hands-free and consistent link building method. With link building, there is always the danger of overlinking if you build links up too quickly, but consistency plays a large role in avoiding any linking discreditation.
If you practice proper on-page SEO, plus add in some effective automation for getting backlinks, there’s really no reason why you won’t dominate for long-tail and medium competition terms on your sites. As time goes on and you accrue more of these backlinks, your site will have more link juice, more “SEO weight” to it, and the rankings for other, more competitive terms on your site will start to creep up.
Naturally, using stand-alone software for autopilot backlinking won’t always get you top-ranked for everything but it does provide a real solid “core” for your site, which can then be enhanced by using link building services to get you to where you want to be in the SERPs.
Labels: RSS
Posted by Wendy H at 12:01 PM 0 comments
How to use RSS to increase backlinks
How to use RSS for backlinks, how to exponentially deepen and increase your backlinks using your main RSS feeds, merged/mixed/mashed-up master feeds, and some ways to increase your SERPs by practicing better on-page optimization for your main site RSS feeds.
I’ve been doing a lot of research on this topic for the last week and I haven’t seen anything or anyone who has explained this in full detail, and it kinda ticked me off!
Most people are writing half-assed posts about using Yahoo Pipes without giving reasons why someone should pipe their feeds.
Others just write stuff that gets you halfway there towards doing merged feeds and where to turn html pages and sites into RSS feeds, but they didn’t say how this helps your search engine rankings.
Using RSS technology is widely ignored and/or misunderstood by a lot of webmasters, therefore it’s mis-used by most webmasters. But let’s skip the default definitions for what RSS stands for (really simple syndication) and let’s get down into how people are MIS-using it.
Mis-use of RSS
If you have a blog an RSS feed is created automatically upon creation, and is immediately available and viewable on;
- or
Most people who submit their main site feed don’t get the full value out of their submissions and RSS feeds because they’re not optimizing their main site feeds properly, and they’re not promoting it the right way.
How to optimize your sites’ main RSS feed:
Get it optimized for the main keywords for your site by using FeedBurner plugin which changes it from the default-
- (something with far better SEO benefits)
NOTE: Prior to writing this article and learning and adapting, I went ahead and changed a lot of my sites’ main feeds. My main site feed url used to be:
- and now its
Now that you have your important main site keywords in your site feed you’ll be using Anchor Text for your main site in your RSS feed descriptions, which creates some valuable link juice to your site using free resources when you go to post your main site feed to the RSS aggregators,
So get all your sites’ RSS feeds turned into something that makes the name of the RSS feed keyword-rich and site descriptive. Feedburner does a good job of this but always seems to trip me up on one of their steps, but it’s worth it to get it done to achieve anchor text in your RSS feed names.
How to promote your main site feeds?
1- Submit or ping your RSS feeds.
I prefer submitting the main site feed to the RSS aggregators, and also submit individual posturls as their own RSS feeds which creates deep, deep backlinks on autopilot.
2- Take your main site RSS feeds and Mash them up into a Master RSS feed.
RSS merging or RSS mashups is done by using 3d party resources to parse/merge/mashup whatever RSS feeds you enter into their user interface to create a centralized, mashed-up, merge RSS feed which is a combination of all those feeds, combined.
What do do with Merged, MashedUp RSS feeds?
If you have 4 niche sites and they all have feeds, create one master feed for all those sites and submit that master feed url to the RSS aggregators sites. If you don’t have RSS feeds for a site because it’s in html or ASP format, you can create feeds from HTML urls by going to sites like HTML2RSS to create feed-worthy urls to parse merge and submit.
I’ve used Yahoo Pipes to create Merged RSS feeds but FeedMingle, RSSMIX and HTML2RSS are some resources you should check out as well.
The Master Feed will be a list of all your other feeds, therefore, it’ll be linking to all of these sub-feeds which in turn link to your recent posts and published urls.
There is a bit of reduced effectiveness of the backlinks here since they’re twice and thrice-removed from the original urls you’re trying to rank well, but what you’re doing here is creating a deeper deep-linking autopilot mechanism for getting backlinks.
One thing to remember here is this is and can be an auto-promoted link wheel, especially if you add in the RSS feeds for your Web 2.0 sites as part of your RSS feed promotions. Further on down this post, I reference a Twitter Link Wheel, which is also par tof what you’d need to do for creating this auto-promoting, deep-linking link building mechanism.
But wait, there’s more! How to create more effective and direct RSS backlinks to all your site urls:
Everything this post covered so far is good for creating feeds which links to feeds, or feeds which links to recently posted content. This is all good advanced quality SEO work that builds your link popularity, but to get even more benefits from this sooner rather than later, you want to take things to a whole new level.
You want to submit each post, or article or webpage to the RSS aggregators as an individual RSS feed. A lot of webmasters who are into link building don’t realize this can be done, and they’re missing out on a lot of the benefits of RSS.
Read this article on RSS submissions to see what software can turn all your sites urls for all types of sites into individual RSS feeds that get posted to 20 RSS aggregator sites on autopilot each and every time you add new content to those sites. This is equivalent to getting 20 backlinks for everything you write on complete autopilot and has great SEO benefits for your ranking and link popularity.
The RSS :
1- Create a list of all your sites (blogs, html ASP etc..)
2- Use services like Feedburner to turn your blog site feeds into Keyword Descriptive Feed names (relevant to site s’ main keywords)
3- Use HML2RSS or other services that create feed-worthy urls out of non-blogs
4- Group your sites together by niche category, make a niche-grouped list of urls
5- Make a master RSS feed of the niche urls, and name it with the descriptive keywords for your niche, if available
6- Submit the Master Merged Feeds to the RSS aggregators
7- Promote your Master Feeds by getting some backlinks to them
Extra Credit: Consider using FriendFeed and Twitter to build Twitter Link wheels
Extra Credit 2 – Use Yoast’s Plugin called RSS footer to place backlinks in your RSS feed so the people scraping your RSS feed have to give you a backlink
Labels: RSS
Posted by Wendy H at 11:57 AM 0 comments
SEO Link Robot
Online marketers(specifically those who do affiliate websites and sites that review products for clicks on ads on their pages) have been looking for a single product to automate the back link process to their sites for many years.
There’s always been the option of using buggy high priced PC resource hogs like SE Nuke, or lesser wanna-bes like Rank Builder, and now in late 2010 a new wanna-be SE Nuke (but with a one time fee) called SEO Link Robot has been out and about for a bit.
SEO Link Robot has an easy way to set up accounts on Blog / Web2.0 sites, RSS feed sites, and Social Bookmarking sites. If you have used products like Article Marketing Robot or other similar products you account creation is the same and simple.
SEO Link Robot also takes spin-text articles and uses them/spins them when submitting to the Blog/Web2.0 Sites and the Social Bookmarking Sites. Having a capable writer, who knows how to spin, is a necessity for proper use and success of these great tools.
SEO Link Robot does more than Blog/Web2.0, RSS fees, and social bookmarking it also pings the URLs that you create using the Blog / Web 2.0 and it can ping any URL that you add to it.
The positives SEO Link Robot:
- Easy account set up
- E-mail verifier
- Link Viewer
- 1 time fee
- Unlimited Use
- Constant Updates
- All the different types of links you can get:
+Blog / web 2.0
+Social Bookmarks
+RSS feeds
+Pings, etc.
There are some negatives SEO Link Robot:
- The Blog / Web 2.0 and Social Bookmarks are slow.
- You have to sit and watch the submissions so that when a web2.0 website freezes you can skip it.
- There is no way to get your accounts to have different IP addresses (not good, not good).
- When it updates you lose all previous information
+It has an option to save your information, but just today I tried to upload it back to SEO Link Robot and I am getting an Error so I had to manually add the information in again.
- Crashes a lot
SEO Link Robot isn’t the end-all, be-all in automated products, but it is a great start if you utilize just a few other products out there. SEO Link Robot is recommended, with the caveat that it needs to be used with other products for a greater diversity in SEO links. And with a second caveat that you don’t use it too much for Blog / Web2.0 post or social bookmarks, since it currently will only show your current IP address and there are inherent issues with that.
Labels: SEO
Posted by Wendy H at 11:53 AM 0 comments
About RSS Submission
When I do RSS submissions, I usually used to think of just doing the obligatory submitting of my sites’ main RSS feed to a few places like feedagg and feedage
Part of my checklist for bringing new sites online includes:
- Directory submissions
- Search engines submissions
- RSS Feed submissions
- Some social bookmarking
- Getting other sites to link to you
- Creating sitemap
- Adding blogs to Google Blog Search engine
You don’t have to do all of these things but doing all of them gives you a nice well-rounded “links profile”…
What’s good about doing RSS submissions specifically is it helps get your site indexed quickly via acquisition of some decent backlinks but I never really thought of it as a serious link building tool:
What most webmasters, myself included are doing wrong or were doing wrong with RSS Feed Submissions:
1. Only submitting RSS feeds to a few places
2. Only submitting the main site feed (
3. Never submitting the RSS feed of your Article Directory, social site accounts or profiles.
Based on my past experiences with using RSS I just knew there should be a way to make better use of this technology besides submitting main site feeds to a few places.
I always wished I could do more with RSS, like making all of my site content into individual rss feeds somehow, then submitting each of those as new, separate from main site urls/RSS feeds.
The solutions for accomplishing this this seemed too “techie” and complicated so I didn’t do it, especially since I’d never been convinced of the real power of RSS.
Well, the software I started using a few days is like a dream come true for me, and for me it’s truly the missing link for realizing and enjoying the true power of RSS submissions.
- The TRUE POWER of RSS Feed submissions doesn’t come from submitting your site’s main feed.
- The TRUE POWER of RSS Feed submission from domination of long tail terms that most site content pieces are designed for.
- TRUE POWER of RSS Feed submissions comes from getting high quality deep links to every single page on your site automatically
In my opinion the BEST RSS Submission software would automatically create an RSS feed out of a blog post url or even html page and then submit it to some good RSS Aggregator sites.
Imagine the kind of long-tail domination you’d be enjoying if you got 20 backlinks from RSS aggregator sites for every new post or page you publish…
Now imagine a plugin / software solution that would also do this for all your older posts and pages!
The plugin/software that I’ve been using for the past few days does exactly that. You get high PageRank (PR 4-6) RSS aggregator sites linking to each and every single piece of content on all your sites automatically.
I bought, installed and configured this plugin on a Saturday afternoon and let it do its work, expecting another disappointment form another “Best RSS Submission software”…
Well, on Sunday night I just happened to see some results on this in the SERPs and was absolutely amazed at how well the RSS submissions are doing in the rankings. Not only do these RSS sites show my blog post titles in the SERPS ABOVE my content they’re linking to, but they’re also bumping up some of my rankings without me lifting a finger.
Long-tail domination is going to be achieved here, even by the stupidest, non-techie webmasters, BUT….it will also leads to more link juice, higher PageRank, and better SERPs for everything you post moving forward due to the increased link juice and authority of your site, SEO-wise.
I’m going to be recommending this product, but I’m going to allow more time to pass so that more and more proof can be shown via a video presentation.
I’ll also make a short email newsletter out of this to address some quirks with this software and best practices for using it.
This is going to change how I blog. I have over 20 blogs I post to regularly and when I want to dominate the SERPs for long tail terms, I usually have to post modified versions of the base articles on my other sites, but not any more.
This plugin means I can write a whole lot less and still dominate the long-tail SERPS
UPDATE: A lot of people have asked me for a link to the product I’m referencing here, but aren’t seeing or using the newsletter option. Again, I was trying to share something valuable that would give you an edge on your competition, without letting the whole world see it, so here’s the link to the product
I highly recommend you get the newsletter below to find out more about this and to get my updates on how to use RSS feeds and rss submissions for maximum effect.
LATEST UPDATE: My fledgling link building service does automated RSS submissions for you so need to buy a plugin anymore, so go here and get a membership and inside the member’s area you’ll see how to go about getting these types of links.
Labels: Submission
Posted by Wendy H at 11:46 AM 0 comments
Improvement increase traffic blog
Steps to improvement increase traffic, it might be useful for a beginner like me (this step has been my practice and less than 2 months is a reasonable traffic over 500 of his visitor, and to a senior already please corrections:
1. prepare content with themes that are sought after by Internet surfers (could be by searching through or other link, search on google aja)
2. making web design / blog as interesting as possible
3. register on search engines like google, yahoo etc. Ato can also search by keyword in the search engine url submission.
4. each content update, do the ping. To ping searchnya keywords on search engines is free ping service.
5. do backlinks on sites with high PR (for this one I am frankly puzzled by which to determine if the site no nya.CUman PR status if I think it is a good site for links, I do a backlink.)
6. Promotion through the forums we frequent, with credit site / blog in the signature (Ga tau klo this one, some say this is considered spam)
7. Do not never give up and do not think GA's business could be brief and quick, I think it is a useful process for us to add knowledge.
8. often hang out at the forum to seek additional knowledge.
Hope hope so useful. Create a senior corrections please, thanks
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Labels: Traffic
Posted by Wendy H at 11:44 AM 0 comments
About Trackback Spider
In the Trackback Spider uing a unique article writing. The idea behind Track Back Spider is creating links to your site by faking links to others blogs. The concept behind a track is that if you comment on your blog with a link to another blog, that blog will do a link back to your site. Because some bloggers actually check their link back links, Track Back Spider provides cloaking to make the blogger think you actually did do a track back. Track Back Spider suggests that by using the cloaking script that you can increase the accepted links by 3-5%.
What Track Back Spider does is tries to find blogs that are applicable to your site. They do this by you providing them keywords. The more keywords you provide them, the more likely they are to find more blogs for you to get track back links from.
After creating a job with up to 1,000 keywords, you allow the track back spider to start looking through the web for applicable blogs that still do track back links.
Track Back Spider suggests you wait 24 hours to allow the software to find all applicable blogs.
Once Track Back Spider is done finding blogs to do track backs to, you are ready to create an account on the poster by using the job that just finished finding blogs posts to track back too. When you create the new account on the poster you can choose to use the cloaking script or not, you can choose the time of day you want to run the posting, and if you want to include no follows in with the posts. And at that point you just let it run.
Now that you know how it works let’s talk about the product itself.
I was asked to do this by someone who thought it was too complicated. Let me be honest, if you watch the videos, figuring out the basics of track back spider is really easy to follow if you’re not doing the cloaking.
The next question I would be asked is cloaking worth doing? Track Back Spider suggests that you get a 3-5% increase in acceptance by using the cloaking script. From 2 months of using this product, this claim is simply false. I got the exact same results using the cloaking script as not using the cloaking script. I will talk more about cloaking later as well.
Track back spider was able to find over 10,000 applicable blogs for 3 of the sites I was testing it on. Unfortunately, Track Back Spider was only able to get 500 or less sites to accept the track backs. Even worse, the entire track backs where not indexed by any of the search engines. Though they “show” the links, they aren’t easy to access. Track Back Spider doesn’t provide a csv or report of any kind to be able to take the links and get them indexed. But at $200 a month, you shouldn’t have to spend more money to get these links indexed.
Track Back Spider goes against the rule we all should keep in mind when building links. Google has said, “Would you do this if we weren’t around”? If Google wasn’t around would you try to fake blog posts for a link? If Google wasn’t around would you try to visually fake out a blogger with a fake link on your site? The answer to both of these is an emphatic NO. Forget the fact that it costs $200 a month, and the track back links aren’t getting indexed, these types of links don’t pass the Google test. I can make an argument for most other types of links, but I can’t here. If you legitimately created a blog post, with a link to someone else’s site this would help to build a relationship with that blogger. With Track Back Spider you aren’t building a relationship, you are being tricking others, and hurting your website’s reputation.
This product isn’t recommended:
- The links don’t get indexed
- Zero affect on rankings
- Costs $200
- This product is about tricking others
- This product isn’t grey hat, it’s as blackhat as they come!
Labels: Traffic
Posted by Wendy H at 11:38 AM 0 comments
Quite a big challenge Google AdSense
Quite a big challenge for me to get 100 dollars per day from Google AdSense. That would be the goal that I want to reach now and 100 dollars per day Blog will log the steps, thoughts and may be tips and tricks also the mistakes that I will do on the way to get 100 AdSense Dollars per day.
Share your ideas, experience tips and tricks and I will always happy to help you from things I have learnt about AdSense.
Secret of bringing 4300 visitors to a single post
Yes, this is amazing and I am really excited about these numbers. One post manage to attract more than 4000 unique visitors for 4 days. It manage to make extra $20.00. More traffic more AdSense money and that's not a secret any more. It will be interesting to go through what exactly I did to here to get this result.
Remember I told you that I am using Google News Alerts to know the latest trends and latest stories related to my blog. That really works on giving your visitor the latest information and SEO point of view you will able to blog about trendy topics that most of the people will be searching for. This is not the only way to do that. There are many other ways like twitter, facebook (any Social Website) and special tools Google trends.
This time I was luck with Yahoo Answers. Suddenly I have noticed that people start asking "What happed to Limewire?". When I really check the Limewire website it was closed due to a legal issues and that created blog post. More than I was lucky I managed to apply SEO Secrets on that post well. Lets run through the SEO tricks I apply on the post one by one.
Labels: Traffic
Posted by Wendy H at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Generate Adsense Code
Are you confusing to generate adsense code ?
You can visit to
This is a code generator for Adsense provides a handy tool to instantly greate some coding for your advertising campaign. This simple but effective. No more log-ins or clumpsy menus, but instant code-generation for convenient Ad-generation.
like this screen shoot.
Ad Type
Ad unit
Link unit
728x90 Leaderboard
468x60 Banner
234x60 Half Banner
120x600 Skyscraper
160x600 Wide Skyscraper
120x240 Vertical Banner
336x280 Large Rectangle
300x250 Medium Rectangle
250x250 Square
200x200 Small Square
180x150 Small Rectangle
125x125 Button
728x90 Leaderboard
468x60 Banner
120x600 Skyscraper
160x600 Wide Skyscraper
336x280 Large Rectangle
300x250 Medium Rectangle
250x250 Square
200x200 Small Square
4 ads per unit
5 ads per unit
Border #
Title #
Background #
Text #
Default Google palleteOpen AirSeasideShadowBlue MixInkGraphiteUse multiple palletes... Open AirSeasideShadowBlue MixInkGraphite
Back to single selection
Corner style
Client number
More options
Show public service ads
Show non-Google ads from another URL
Fill space with a solid color
Labels: Adsense
Posted by Wendy H at 7:34 AM 0 comments